Fife’s first ‘ethical’ letting agency launches new website

An ethical letting agency launched last year by local homeless charity Trust in Fife has unveiled its new website.
Fife Private Rental Solutions will focus on the prevention of homelessness and assistance to access and sustain accommodation in the private rented sector, as well as problem-solving any housing issues related to private rented properties.
The new website at is available to support prospective tenants, tenants, landlords and letting agents. If you want to live in, are living in, own a property and are letting private rented property in Fife, this is the site for you.
Alongside the launch of the new website, the team now offers a full range of services.
For landlords, FPRS is now offering a number of paid services, from one-off services to let-only and full property management services. As a non-profit agency, its rates are competitive. A number of free services are also available, from general advice and guidance regarding the private rented sector, issue resolution and tenancy assistance, landlord and tenant mediation and rent resolution.
For tenants, FPRS offers free services, from general advice and guidance, help with tenancy sustainment, issue resolution and tenancy assistance, rent resolution, advanced income maximisation and the deposit assistance services.
For letting agencies, FPRS has created a free bespoke service to help their tenants sustain their tenancy. The team can help with tenancy assistance, advanced income maximisation, rent resolution, agent and tenant mediation and the new deposit assistance service.
FPRS said it is also proud to now offer a deposit assistance service, where the team can access cash funds to help pay a deposit, this can be paying a full or partial deposit and getting this lodged in a deposit scheme. There are two schemes available to access depending on a persons financial situation.
The Advanced Income Maximisation (AIM) service can look at increasing the income of any client in a private let or looking to obtain a private let. Since this service began the team has assisted 24 people to get backdated benefits to the value of £55,722.60 and 39 people an increase in their monthly benefits to the value of £17,119.63.
The Rent Resolution Service (RRS) will assist when a tenant falls into rent arrears. This includes mediation, manageable payment plans and sourcing grants available to clear the arrears, all aimed at keeping the tenant in the property.