Fife’s Local Housing Strategy gets the green light

Fife Council’s executive committee has approved its Local Housing Strategy for the next five years.
The strategy is the first to be developed in Scotland in line with revised Scottish Government guidance produced in 2014.
It identifies the key housing issues affecting local communities that need to be tackled over the next five years, such as:
Councillor Judy Hamilton, executive spokesperson (housing and building services), said: “Following extensive consultation with a range of partners, tenant’s and residents, this strategy confirms that the ambition for Fife is for everyone to be able to access good quality, decent, affordable, warm housing and that they should live free from poverty. The strategy will also guide us to ensure that tenants in the private rented sector can enjoy greater security and improved living conditions, as well as being satisfied that renting is fair and predictable for everyone.”
John Mills, head of housing, said: “Community engagement with Fife’s residents and other stakeholders is an essential part of the strategy development process and I would like to thank everyone who took part in the various consultations over the last few months. It is clear there has never been a greater demand for good quality, affordable homes in Fife and your feedback has helped shape the strategy for the next five years. This document will provide the strategic direction required to help us tackle housing need and demand.”