Thenue’s summer event showcases science and engineering club

Thenue's summer event showcases science and engineering club

A summer fun and food project for kids in Castlemilk has shone the spotlight on a science and engineering club designed to unlock youngsters’ creative talent.

“Food & Fun for Summer” - run by “Castlemilk Together” – offers a rolling summer programme of fun events for families at locations across Castlemilk.

Castlemilk Together is a network of local organisations who have come together to deliver the project amongst other food initiatives and activities. Importantly, the food and fun project is supported by Glasgow City Council.

It is further supported by Thenue Housing and its charitable subsidiary Thenue Communities. One of the venues was the Netherholm Hall and last week its regular breakfast, lunch and fun activities day had a science and technology theme brimming with exciting things for kids to do and to showcase what the club offers. Netherholm Hall hosts its “STEM Club” for youngsters every two weeks which has been a great success and is run by husband and wife team Joan and Frank Soutar who give up their time voluntarily.

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths and aims to help youngsters learn new skills and nurture their creative talent. It delivers learning in a fun setting with a firm emphasis on science, technology, engineering, maths and the exciting concept of 3D printing. Now retired, Frank uses his design skills, honed over many years, to educate the young people in a fun and appealing way.

The young people learn about 3D printing, designing products of their choice using high-tech printers, purchased by the Netherholm Area Association, engage in fun science projects and enjoy craftwork, including painting the 3D models.

Thenue's summer event showcases science and engineering club

Frank Soutar said: “The purpose of the club is to nurture the creative thinking of our young people who demonstrate commitment, intelligence, initiative and teamwork. Each day is full of chaotic, fast-paced creative, funny and clever activity.”

The club is an example of how the Netherholm Hall – the realisation of years of community campaigning by the Netherholm Area Association and others to deliver a facility for local people – is supporting local families. It celebrates its sixth birthday this month. It is essential to recognise the willing volunteers who give so freely of their time and enthusiasm to help make events held at the Netherholm Hall such a success. The committee members of the Netherholm Area Association continue to make the hall the important community asset it has become – a facility which is enjoyed and valued by so many.

Netherholm Hall was created with a state-of-the-art in-built information technology suite which is perfect for the STEM Club. This suite forms part of Glasgow Kelvin College’s network of Learning Centres across the city called ‘Click & Connect’ which makes digital learning more accessible.

Joan Soutar added: “The brilliant Food & Fun for Summer initiative from Castlemilk Together has been well supported by the local community as we provide breakfast and lunch and fun activities for all the family here at the Netherholm Hall. It also gave us the opportunity to showcase the fun that can also be had at our STEM Club which will resume every second Sunday once the school term begins.”

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