Foodbank receives £10k donation from Cunninghame Housing Association
Cunninghame Housing Association (CHA) has donated £10,000 to North Ayrshire Foodbank (NAF) following a request for financial support.

The huge contribution was agreed following a meeting by CHA’s management board which decided that £5,000 would be given to assist with administration costs and an additional £5,000 would go towards the purchase of food supplies.
Craig Crosthwaite, coordinator for NAF, said: “CHA has been a long-term supporter of NAF through direct grants, staff fundraising and food drives. Their support has enabled the foodbank to carry out its work distributing food boxes, delivering our children’s anti-hunger work and now preparing pre-cooked meals.
“The foodbank is deeply appreciative of the friendship of management and staff as well as the resources allowing this critical work to be delivered. Thank you all for this generosity of spirit and for being there when we need the support. The foodbank also wishes CHA continued success in their work around the country delivering their exceptional service.”
Frank Sweeney, group CEO for CHA, added: “The board of management agreed to donate a further £5,000 towards the ongoing administration and running costs of the North Ayrshire Foodbank each financial year from 2021 onwards.
“On behalf of the Association, may I take this opportunity of wishing the foodbank every success with their fund-raising efforts and future of the group.”