Former Dundee school site with housing potential put up for sale

The site of a former high school in Dundee has been put up for sale by the local authority in the hope the land will eventually become housing.
The eight-acre Lawside Academy site, located at West School Road, has not been used since the school was demolished 14 years ago.
Dundee City Council earmarked the area as a potential development site in its 2019 Dundee Local Development Plan (LDP).
In a brochure produced for the sale, the local authority detailed the site has an “indicative capacity” of 70 properties.
Dundee City Council is asking for offers in excess of £2.1 million for the land.
Advertising the site as a development opportunity, the council said: “The site is located within a predominantly residential area situated approximately two-and-a-half miles northwest of the city centre.
“Offers in excess of £2,100,000 are invited from interested parties and should be submitted in formal Scottish legal terms.
“Any offer should state the assumed number of housing units to be developed from which a price per unit can be calculated.”