Forth Housing Association’s 36th AGM sees continued focus on positive wellbeing outcomes

Forth Housing Association's 36th AGM sees continued focus on positive wellbeing outcomes

Ann Dickson, chair at top table with Auditor, Annabel Pidgeon and Sharon Brady-Wardrope, director.

Forth Housing Association extended a warm welcome to its members at its recent 36th AGM at The Stirling Smith Art Gallery & Museum.

The meeting provided an opportunity not only to hear how Forth has been performing over the last year and to receive the latest set of annual accounts but also for Forth’s members, staff and tenants an opportunity to view the local gallery and museum which is the current home to the world’s oldest football.

Attendees also heard from the chair, Ann Dickson, about how delighted Forth is for achieving compliance with the regulatory standards this year.

Ms Dickson said: “The staff, committee and tenants were very focused on making the changes necessary to achieve compliance and we are immensely grateful for all their hard work.”

Forth said it continues to build a strong track record in good governance and accountability, but like other RSLs understands there are wider economic challenges facing the sector and looks to continue to deliver further improvements in services to their tenants in light of these challenges.

The association is looking outwards to make connections and collaborate with others to help deliver vital services to their tenants.

Forth Housing Association's 36th AGM sees continued focus on positive wellbeing outcomes

The Stirling Smith Art Gallery & Museum.

One of Forth’s key strategic alliances is with the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA), through which it hopes to renew its relationships with the wider sector seeking out and sharing good practice.

Annabel Pidgeon, SFHA’s housing management and community investment policy lead, delivered a presentation at the AGM on the key issues for the social housing sector in Scotland.

Some of the main points covered the management and delivery of affordable rented homes, navigating a just transition to net zero and how to reduce poverty and inequalities in Scotland’s social housing sector.

Sharon Brady-Wardrope, director of Forth, commented: “Whilst the financial landscape was bleak with the recent announcement from the Scottish Government spending cuts up to £500 million from the budget across all sectors and the UK government warning that the October budget will be painful, there was still some positives to focus on.

“One being the resilience of the sector to continue to deliver vital services to our tenants and the continued delivery of vital adaptations whilst waiting for funding announcements as well as bringing in hundreds of thousands of pounds of additional benefits for our tenants.”

The meeting also considered the election of committee members for the coming year.

Five new members joined the association’s management committee: Andrea Mina, Elaine Rosie, Jillian Fernside, Hazel Robertson and Kerray Dawson.

The association also said a fond farewell to five other members – Alistair Hutton, Heather Arthur, James Bryce, Kirsty Morrison and Lyndsay Moffat – bringing its committee membership to 12 out of the possible 15 positions.

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