Free bus travel for everyone in Angus during part of Easter school holidays

Angus Council, working in partnership with Stagecoach and other local transport providers and with funding from the Scottish Government Winter Wellbeing Fund is offering everyone in Angus access to free bus travel during the 2nd week of the Easter school holidays from Saturday 9 April to Monday 18 April 2022.
Child poverty continues to impact the lives of many families across Angus, undermining the health, wellbeing and educational attainment of the children who experience it.
The cost of living crisis including the rise in fuel costs is putting huge pressures on families, this includes travel costs. By removing that cost it means more people, families and children can afford to travel.
Bus travel allows residents and families to connect with each other as well as get involved in activities in their local area. Being able to access activities and facilities is important for our mental and physical health.
With families in Angus set for a fun packed time over the Easter holidays with the council and over 28 local partners offering opportunities and targeted support to children and young people through their Holiday Food and Fun provision, families will be able to free/affordable access activities such as:
- Free access to Murton Farm
- Footgolf sessions with Brechin Golf Club
- Football and rugby
- Easter activity packs from S-mart
- Family activities for all with Angus Council’s Vibrant Communities Team
- Activities by Voluntary Action Angus pllus much more.
The initiative will also support local businesses, boost retail, leisure and tourism and the Angus economy with more people exploring parts of Angus.
The funded transport is a pilot scheme. Uptake of this offer will be used to inform and design any potential for future funded public transport.
Stagecoach and local transport operators will ensure passengers can travel safety and that all necessary Covid precautions continue to be in place. Under 12s travelling for free must be with an adult.