Free money management and well-being advice available at Bathgate event

Link Group is providing advice at a series of free pop-up events offering money management, health and well-being support, and advice about connecting digitally.
The latest workshop is taking place in Bathgate in which Link tenants and the wider community are invited to attend.
There will be assistance available on connecting digitally including information about the latest Wi-Fi digital deals, managing your data, and keeping on top of your bill. There will also be support with downloading the Link app as well as information on how we allocate our properties and how to apply.
Advice and support will be provided by Social Security Scotland and the Citizens Advice Bureau.
Community engagement officer, Kirsty MacQueen, from the Dogs Trust, will be on hand to provide hints and tips to care for your canine during the cost-of-living crisis.
Link has also created a video dedicated to how people can help ease the cost of living crisis, it can be found below:
Free tea, coffee, biscuits and juice are available.
There will be a draw for a chance to win one of five £10 gift cards and the opportunity to win a food hamper. Pick up your free ticket on the door so you are in with a chance of winning these fantastic prizes.
The workshop will take place from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM on Tuesday, November 22, at St Mary’s Church Hall, 9 Livery Street, Bathgate, EH48 4HS