Free tickets available for Housing & Social Care Accessibility Summit thanks to Hanover sponsorship

Free tickets available for Housing & Social Care Accessibility Summit thanks to Hanover sponsorship

Angela Currie, Hanover Scotland's chief executive

Generous sponsorship of this year’s Housing & Social Care Accessibility Summit by Hanover Scotland has allowed organisers to offer five free tickets to disability and elderly voluntary organisations and charities.

The event takes place at the V&A in Dundee on September 26 and will be opened by housing minister Paul McLennan.

Two of the tickets have already been allocated but three remain available on a first-come, first-served basis. Lunch and coffee are included in a day-long event of sessions with top speakers.

Lorna Cameron, chief executive of Horizon Housing, which is organising the event in partnership with Scottish Housing News and Campion Homes, said: “Hanover’s sponsorship is very welcome and allows us to fund some tickets for organisations that may not otherwise have been able to attend.”

Angela Currie, Hanover Scotland’s chief executive, added: “Hanover is delighted to support this groundbreaking event that shines a light on this important topic.

“As the leading housing provider for older people in Scotland, we are passionate about ensuring we have high quality accessible homes in the future but also focus on identifying and sharing innovative practice to support those already living in homes that are no longer suitable for their needs. The high calibre of speakers and wide range of topics will make this a not to be missed highlight in this year’s calendar.”

To enquire about the remaining free tickets please contact SHN editor Kieran Findlay via

For more details on the Summit - see here.

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