Galashiels primary schools win national competition for mural at Eildon site
The hard work of seven primary schools in the Borders has been recognised with their well-deserved win in a national site hoarding competition.

The colourful artwork that surrounds Eildon Housing Association’s development site at Huddersfield Street was one of the winners of the 2019 Ivor Goodsite Hoarding Competition. Ivor Goodsite is the mascot used by the Considerate Constructors Scheme to promote the construction industry with children.
Clovenfords, Burgh, St Peters’, St Margaret’s, Stow, Tweedbank and Langlee Primary schools painted the safety hoarding to the theme of why they love living in the Borders.
Alison Lowrie, Hart Builders and Eildon community benefits officer, presented the schools with their award and said: “I am so pleased for all the children that took part. It has been a brilliant multi-school project with whole schools getting involved, from planning and designing to painting the amazing artwork.
“There was fierce competition with 83 entries from across the UK and Ireland, so for our site to be one of the winners is absolutely fantastic. What talented future artists we have in the Borders.”