Glasgow City Mission rehab pathways manager on BBC Scotland’s Sunday Morning

Glasgow City Mission rehab pathways manager on BBC Scotland’s Sunday Morning

David, the rehab pathways manager at Glasgow City Mission, was invited onto BBC Scotland’s Sunday morning show to talk about the work of the Rehab Pathways Team and how his faith, and the faith of the other team members, influences the work the charity does in Glasgow with those affected by addiction.

The background to the invitation was the latest set of figures that recorded 1,172 drug-related deaths in 2023, an increase of 12% from 2022. This means that Scotland continues to have the highest number of deaths in Europe.

You can listen while David discusses the issues the team face and his hopes that measures that have been taken in the last few years will positively impact the guests Glasgow City Mission works with who are trapped in addiction.

Follow this link and forward to 19:35 minutes into the programme to hear David.

On the Glasgow City Mission website, the organisation finished its story with this message: “If you, or a family member or friend, need help with addiction please call us on 0141 221 2630, or if you would like to support our work with those in addiction financially please donate here.”

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