Glasgow City Mission’s 2024 winter project helps over 56 guests

Glasgow City Mission’s winter project has now started its third week and has already engaged with and helped 56 guests.
The mission’s six housing settlement officers (HSOs) underwent a full week of intense training beginning at the start of the month, to ensure they were ready to start helping guests last Monday.
The 56 guests are in a variety of temporary accommodation and four of the 56 were housed by Glasgow City HSCP as they were at risk of sleeping rough. One was under the age of 18.
The Mission has been supporting guests in their prospective geographical areas around the city and helping them register with a local doctor. It has introduced guests to its city centre project and the activities available to them.
The charity has helped sort out benefits for those entitled to them; accessed rooms through Glasgow City HSCP; provided emergency beds in a city centre hotel; supported 12 guests at the risk of rough sleeping who came to a dinner service at Crimea Street and applied for low-level funding for basics required for a new home.
This is multi-dimensional work and the mission stressed that it is really grateful for the enthusiasm and professionalism of its HSOs as they patiently and diligently help the guests.