Glasgow outlines plan to meet housing, health and social care priorities

The statement describes the housing challenges that relate to health and social care
Glasgow City Council has worked with housing, health and social care partners to develop a draft Housing Contribution Statement (HCS) for the city.
The HCS will be a key part of the Strategic Plan of the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board (IJB), the formal legal body that makes the decisions about how health and social care services are delivered in Glasgow. As part of the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014, there is legislative requirement for a Housing Contribution Statement to be developed as part of the IJB’s Strategic Plan.
The council chairs Glasgow’s Housing, Health and Social Care Planning Group. Membership of the group includes Registered Social Landlords, GCHSCP services and representatives from the voluntary sector. The group meets regularly to discuss a range of housing, health and social care projects, services and has worked together to inform the development of Glasgow’s draft Housing Contribution Statement.
The draft statement:
- outlines the role of the housing sector in governance arrangements that relate to health and social care in Glasgow;
- provides an overview of shared evidence that outlines key trends and issues in relation to meeting the housing. health and social care needs of Glasgow’s population;
- reflects the priorities that are outlined in both the IJB’s Strategic Plan and Local Housing Strategy;
- describes the housing challenges that relate to health and social care; and
- details housing’s contribution and the resources required to deliver the relevant interventions and services outlined in the action plan.
A range of housing, health and social care considerations have been identified through the engagement activity that was undertaken with stakeholders. In terms of challenges, partners have identified the need to meet the housing, health and social care needs of Glasgow’s citizens including older people, children, young adults and families, asylum seekers and refugees and people that have disabilities and/or poor mental health. Preventing and addressing homelessness was also highlighted as a key issue and the draft HCS reflects the challenges and priorities outlined in the Glasgow Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan.
Other challenges that have been identified include continuing to work towards reducing deprivation, recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic, the need to consider the implementation of the proposed National Care Service and the provision of funding towards meeting the housing, health and social care needs of Glasgow’s citizens in the future.
Going forward, the housing sector will contribute towards meeting the health and social care priorities that are outlined in the Glasgow City IJB’s Strategic Plan through a variety of investment programmes and services. A total of 12 housing contributions have been identified, including continuing to develop new affordable housing to meet the needs of Glasgow’s citizens, maintaining and improving existing housing, funding and adapting housing, and working with partners to deliver actions that are outlined in various plans. Wider role services will continue to be provided by RSLs to support tenants and communities experiencing fuel and food poverty.
The public consultation is open until 30 November. A copy of Glasgow’s draft Housing Contribution Statement and a consultation survey can be accessed here.
Councillor Kenny McLean, convener for housing at Glasgow City Council, said: “The Housing Contribution Statement is an important part of our strategy to effectively deliver housing, health and social care priorities in Glasgow. The contributions identified in the Statement will be essential in meeting the needs of the city’s people.”