Glasgow veterans’ art club wins further funding
An art club founded by a tenant of Scottish Veterans Residences (SVR) in Glasgow has won a further grant of £4,590, building on a similar grant received last August.
Ex-Fusilier Allen Clarke set up the group at Bellrock Close in Glasgow after discovering that making art was highly beneficial to his own mental health.

The grant from Glasgow City Council’s Area Partnerships fund will provide for materials for the class which is open to residents of Bellrock Close and veterans in the wider community.
A wide range of media are used including paint, clay, scratch kits and pyrography, with plans for photography as well. The class takes place every Wednesday from 2.30pm until 9pm on a drop in basis.
Bellrock Close is one of three housing support services for Armed Forces veterans and ex Merchant Mariners operated by SVR. The innovative transitional support service includes help with health and wellbeing; education, training and employability and future housing needs.