Glen Oaks AGM celebrates another successful year

Glen Oaks AGM celebrates another successful year

The Glen Oaks AGM

The 33rd AGM of Glen Oaks Housing Association was hailed as a huge success this week with shareholders and invited guests celebrating the achievements from 2023/24.

During Wednesday’s event, chairperson Simon Gaunt spoke about Glen Oaks retaining its Customer Service Excellence accreditation with seven “compliance plus” points, two of which related to tenant participation and consultation, and maintaining Investors in People Silver and Cyber Essentials Plus.

He also highlighted the excellent work of the Service Improvement Group which is currently reviewing the Association’s approach to dampness and mould.

Glen Oaks AGM celebrates another successful year

Steven March being presented with one of the inaugural Alasdair McKee Awards

Nicola Logan, chief executive, emphasised how important it was for tenants to give feedback and get involved in shaping future service delivery. She spoke about the recent Big Conversation event that kick-started the rent consultation process for the coming year. She encouraged everyone to take part in the surveys about tenant priorities as the results will directly affect the rent increase.

Special thanks were given to Simon Gaunt as he was standing down from his role as chairperson. The Association also welcomed two new board members, Paul Watson and Timothy Kato.

Following the formal business of the AGM, various awards were presented to people in the community.

Glen Oaks AGM celebrates another successful year

Jack Findlay also received an Alasdair McKee Award

The inaugural Alasdair McKee Award was set up as a tribute to the former chief executive who passed away in 2022. The Association has worked in partnership with WorkingRite – the youth employment charity - for over 10 years.

Alasdair was an ambassador for the charity, always encouraging local young people to join the programme for a chance of a permanent job or apprenticeship. A judging panel, including Alasdair’s wife Diane, considered nominations put forward by WorkingRite and selected two local young people for the awards. Steven March was named Rising Star of 2024 and Jack Findlay was Most Inspirational Young Person.

The Good Neighbour Award and Garden Competition prizes were also presented to a number of local residents.

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