Government approves Local Housing Strategy for Argyll and Bute
Argyll and Bute Council’s Local Housing Strategy (LHS) has been formally launched following approval by the Scottish Government.
The strategy outlines the council’s vision and investment priorities for the area’s housing sector over the next five years, and received praise from the Scottish Government for demonstrating extensive engagement with a wide range of communities, community groups, and stakeholders.
The Argyll and Bute LHS is underpinned by an extensive Housing Need and Demand Assessment and is nationally recognised as an exemplar of best practice for other local authorities.
The strategy sets out the joint approach the council and its partners will take to delivering high quality housing and housing-related services across Argyll and Bute. Its overarching vision is that: “Everyone in Argyll and Bute has access to a suitable, high quality home which is affordable and located within a vibrant, sustainable and connected community.”
The main aims of the LHS are to:
- Provide access for people to sufficient, suitable and affordable housing
- Regenerate communities by improving the quality, condition and energy efficiency of housing, and by tackling fuel poverty
- Enable people with particular needs to live independently in their own homes and to remain in their communities
- Promote housing options that meet people’s needs and ensure everyone has access to appropriate information, advice and assistance.
The Argyll and Bute Strategic Housing Forum oversees the LHS. The forum meets quarterly and is a partnership that brings together a range of housing experts and key professionals, including the Scottish Government, local and national housing associations, the Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Home Energy Scotland and Scottish Water.
The full Local Housing Strategy 2022/23 – 2026/27, and a summary document, are available on the council website, along with a range of supporting materials, including the Argyll and Bute Housing Need and Demand Assessment 2021.