Government launches guidance to address shortage of wheelchair accessible housing
The Scottish Government has published new guidance for local authorities which has been welcomed as an “important first step” to addressing the shortage of wheelchair accessible housing in Scotland.

Under government plans, local authorities will be required to provide wheelchair accessible housing across all tenures and report annually on progress.
Local Government, Housing and Planning Minister Kevin Stewart said: “We are committed to delivering more homes that are accessible for wheelchair users to live in.
“I would like to thank the disabled people’s organisations that have contributed to the development of this guidance, which will provide local authorities with a greater focus and commitment to the delivery of wheelchair accessible housing across all tenures.
“Increasing the supply of wheelchair accessible housing across Scotland will provide more choice and flexibility for disabled people and their families and contribute to the creation of a fairer and more equal society.
“The houses that we build now will support this and future generations and will help to improve the experience of disabled people in accessing suitable homes in the areas they want to live.”
The development of the new guidance has been a collaborative approach with the accessible housing group, which includes local authority representation and disability organisations such as Inclusion Scotland.
Dr Sally Witcher, CEO of Inclusion Scotland, said: “We welcome this guidance as an important first step to addressing the shortage of wheelchair accessible housing in Scotland. I look forward to seeing this translate into a supply of housing that meets current and projected demand, across all tenures.
“This is essential to ending the social injustice inflicted on disabled people living in inaccessible homes that restrict their lives and life chances.”