Government unveils ‘world-leading strategy’ to tackle social isolation and loneliness
Scotland has become one of the first countries in the world to develop a national strategy to deal with the serious problem of social isolation.
To kick start A Connected Scotland: Tackling social isolation and loneliness, minister for older people and equalities, Christina McKelvie, said the strategy would be backed by £1 million over the next two years to support and expand innovative projects and approaches to bring people together.

Improvements to health and social care, more accessible transport and investment in digital connectivity will all help to create a Scotland where individuals and communities are more connected.
Actions within the strategy include:
- Working with health and social care integration authorities to address social isolation
- Piloting an innovative housing solution for older people to test intergenerational and co-living arrangements
- Working with partners to raise awareness of the value of befriending
- Engaging with older age groups to understand how digital technology can add value to their lives
Launching the strategy at Bridgend Farmhouse, a community-owned charitable organisation in Edinburgh which provides space for learning, eating and exercising, Ms McKelvie said: “One in ten people in Scotland report often feeling lonely. In today’s fast paced world, with technological advancements, people can sometimes feel overwhelmed and unable to cope with rapid changes in society. This can lead to people withdrawing and losing touch with friends and family.
“People often feel afraid to admit they are lonely or isolated yet these feelings can affect anyone at any age, or stage, or walk of life. It is known that social isolation and loneliness can have a significant impact on a person’s physical and mental wellbeing which is why we are tackling this issue with a preventative approach allowing loneliness and social isolation to be treated as a public health issue.
“This is just the beginning of work we are doing to tackle loneliness but we can’t do it alone. It is the responsibility of all of us as individuals and communities, and within the public sector, local authorities and businesses to reach out with kindness and build a country where all of us feel welcome within our communities and valued as an important part of society.”