Grampian approves second year of 2024-2028 business plan

Grampian approves second year of 2024-2028 business plan

Every five years, Grampian Housing Association Group’s board of management undertakes a comprehensive review of the strategic direction of the Association.

Since the current five-year business plan was prepared, there has been significant change in the Association’s operating environment resulting in many of Grampian’s cost base increasing.

Following a performance review of Year 1 of the business plan by the board of management, the annual plan for 2024/25 (which aligns with the five-year plan) has also been reviewed. The first 12 months saw the commitment to improving customer service, investing in tenants’ homes to improve comfort and safety, building new homes, and continued efforts to reduce carbon emissions renewed and re-stated.

Grampian Housing Association is the largest locally based housing association in the North East providing over 4,000 high quality affordable homes to rent, over 300 shared ownership homes and almost 200 mid-market properties (aimed largely at key workers) as well as providing a range of services such as factoring to over 1000 homeowners across the Grampian area.

Grampian is one of the best housing associations to work for as stated by 86% of its staff in the latest staff satisfaction survey. This is in recognition, of the great benefits, remuneration and support offered and the longstanding commitment to invest in the development of its people to be the best that they can be and through that, be best placed continually improve the service offer to its tenants.

Throughout 2023-2024 Grampian HA Group delivered a high standard of housing services, providing new affordable, safe and energy-efficient rented homes while continuing to support tenants with the cost-of-living crisis.

Building on the success of the last year, Grampian is now set to focus on delivering, the Grampian Deal, aiming to increase the supply of new social housing by a further 100 new homes, along with a £5.2 million investment programme in existing homes to improve energy efficiency and reduce household costs underpinned by the ongoing digitalisation of service delivery.

Craig Stirrat, chief executive, said: “We recognise that many households may be struggling to cope with the cost of living crisis, so It is particularly important for us to demonstrate that we provide value for money for tenants and service users. Our staff are fully committed to deliver our core purpose for our tenants which is to - provide great homes, in great places, great services and great opportunities. I am proud of what our people have achieved last year in a very difficult operating environment.

“For the year ahead, our strategic objectives focus on improving existing homes, building more homes - underpinned by strong governance and the ongoing digitalisation of our service and improvement of data management. We will achieve this through delivery of the ‘Grampian Deal’ which focuses on providing excellent customer service, continuous improvement and equality, diversity and inclusion.”

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