HACT delivers £1m of support during coronavirus pandemic

Between March and June 2020, UK social housing organisations representing 40% of the sector provided almost £1 million in financial assistance, provided over 110,000 residents with advice and guidance, and made over 600,000 welfare calls.
The impact measures were developed by HACT and the Centre for Excellence in Community Investment, working in partnership with a coalition of social housing organisations across the UK.
The numbers of social housing organisations contributing their impact measures to us increased since we launched them in April: 79 organisations have now contributed data, representing over 1.1 million homes or 40% of the total UK social housing stock. Contributions were received from organisations across the UK.
Andrew van Doorn, chief executive of HACT, said: “This third set of impact measures shows how social housing organisations are continuing to support and assist residents and communities across the UK. If we aggregate these figures, it would indicate that the sector has provided over £2.5m in financial assistance, made 1.5 million welfare calls and provided over a quarter of a million residents with advice and guidance since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
“The sector has engaged with our residents on a scale that has never been seen before, responding to their individual needs, whether with food, advice or guidance, financial assistance or just a regular call to see if they are OK.
“In June, more people have been receiving financial support, as well as advice and guidance. Over 80% of the total amount paid out in financial assistance was paid out in May and June. In addition, over 38% of households who have received food have had this provided more than once. In June, this figure was over 50%, indicating a sustained level of need of food for some residents.”
The partnership is now developing a new suite of measures that social housing organisations will be asked to share with HACT so that it can understand the full scale of its work as the pandemic, and its impact on people, the economy and society, continues.
It is also currently receiving data returns from organisations for July, which will help it to evidence the continued impact of social housing organisations. The deadline for submitting these returns is August 21.