Hanover launches housing and inclusion award in honour of trailblazer Julia Fitzpatrick

Hanover launches housing and inclusion award in honour of trailblazer Julia Fitzpatrick

Julia Fitzpatrick

An annual award has been established to celebrate the legacy of equality advocate Julia Fitzpatrick.

Hanover Scotland has announced the introduction of the Julia Fitzpatrick Award for Inclusion, in memory of its late board member and champion of equitable housing.

Reflecting a lifelong commitment to inclusion and improvement, the initiative commemorates a storied career dedicated to ensuring accessible housing for all, setting a standard for future efforts.

Julia, whose professional and personal ties to Hanover Scotland spanned over decades, was known for her pioneering work and dedication to enhancing living conditions and access for individuals with disabilities.

Throughout her tenure, Julia not only spearheaded significant research but also implemented practical solutions to make homes more accommodating and supportive.

Gary Devlin, chair of the Hanover board, emphasised the impact of her contributions.

He said: “Julia’s legacy is profound, shaping our policies and practices. Her unwavering dedication to inclusion will continue to influence us through this award.”

Set to be an integral part of Hanover Scotland’s annual employee Spotlight Awards, this accolade will recognise individuals or teams exemplifying the ideals Julia passionately advocated.

Julia’s leadership extended beyond her roles, deeply influencing the housing community, and leaving an indelible mark on the sector.

The award aims to perpetuate her vision, encouraging ongoing advocacy and innovation in creating inclusive housing environments.

Julia’s influential career included foundational roles and significant achievements, notably as the chief executive of Horizon Housing Association and a director at Housing Options Scotland.

Her strategic insights and actions have significantly advanced the availability of supportive housing aids, benefiting countless residents across Scotland.

The Julia Fitzpatrick Award for Inclusion will ensure her transformative approach to housing continues to inspire and drive excellence within Hanover Scotland and beyond.

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