Hanover residents celebrate ‘amazing’ 73rd wedding anniversary

Love is in the air as a Moray couple today celebrate 73 years of wedded bliss.
Helen and Joe Smith, who live at Hanover Housing Association’s Burnside Court site in Buckpool, were married on 20 April 1943 as World War Two raged around them and have been together ever since.
The couple met when Helen was in the Wrens and stationed at Crail and Joe was a fisherman working out of Buckie. They were married at Elim Church in Aberdeen after Helen’s family had saved enough clothing rations coupons for the dress, which she still has to this day.
When asked their secret to 73 years of wedded bliss, the couple said: “We have been so happy together for all these years. Of course there has been some hard times but we have always been there for each other and here we are all these years later.”
Helen went on to joke: “We already have 3 cards from Buckingham Palace for 25, 40 and 50 years of marriage but I think for reaching 73, we might deserve another! It’s Joe’s 100th birthday in a few years so maybe Her Majesty will be able to drop us a line again then!”

Joe added: “Weddings happened much quicker when we met and especially during the war but being with Helen so long has been amazing, she is such a wonderful woman. I suppose the secret to being so happy for so long is that when Helen talks, I listen!”
Marie Buchan, sheltered housing manager at Burnside Court, said: “Helen and Joe are a fantastic couple and so much fun to have around. I think we are sometimes thought of as a care home rather than people living independently in self-contained flats and cottages but all of our residents are very independent and want to live their lives with little or no interference from us.
“I am glad we have been able to help them celebrate their special anniversary and look forward to many more in the years ahead.”