Herdmanflat phase one planning application submitted

East Lothian Council has submitted an application for phase one of the redevelopment of the former Herdmanflat Hospital site.
Following the granting of planning permission in principle in August 2024, the application details plans for 51 residential homes including design, layout, appearance, materials, hard and soft landscaping and all associated works within the first phase.
This next stage in the process follows three years of detailed surveys, initial design work and a three-month community consultation period. The plans reflect and support the identified, urgent need for more affordable housing for older people across the county.
The site will deliver a high quality, adaptable and sustainable housing development, while respecting the existing heritage, landscape character, green space and significantly enhancing access arrangements to and through the site.
East Lothian Council purchased the site from NHS Lothian in April 2020, with support from the Scottish Government, when the hospital’s services moved to the new East Lothian Community Hospital.
Members of the public can read and give their views on the proposals, application number 24/01284/AMM, via the council’s online planning portal. Background information can also be found on a dedicated Herdmanflat web page on the council website.