HHP housing officer retires after 33 years of service to sector
Hebridean Housing Partnership (HHP) held an event to mark the retirement of one of its best known and longest serving housing officers.
Earlier in the year Magnus Johnson had announced his intention to retire once he reached 60.

Magnus Johnson receiving his memento from Norman Macleod, HHP chairman
To mark the occasion chairman Norman Macleod presented him with a memento at last month’s Board meeting.
The following week, friends and colleagues gathered for a very enjoyable retirement dinner in the Cala.
Magnus has given 40 years to public service in the Outer Hebrides with 33 of those years dedicated to housing. He was presented with a variety of gifts including an iPad and slippers.
An HHP spokesperson said: “Magnus will be greatly missed by all his colleagues, Board members and tenants. As Magnus begins his next adventure we hope he continues to enjoy excellent health so he can have many days out on the golf course improving his golf handicap.”