Highland Council fund energy advisors to help tenants affected by rising energy prices
![Highland Council fund energy advisors to help tenants affected by rising energy prices](https://www.scottishhousingnews.com/uploads/domestic-energy-use-fuel-poverty.jpg)
Housing and property committee members from the Highland Council met yesterday and agreed to fund two specialist advisors to help offer advice and support to tenants that are adversely affected by rising energy prices.
To assist with more specialist energy advice support, the council is in discussion with AliEnergy, an advice charity who are currently assisting Lochaber tenants through a referral process via the local Housing Team.
To extend this scheme Highland-wide, two energy advisors employed by AliEnergy, with be based in North and South Highland. The cost will be around £80,000, for the two positions for the duration of one year, which was agreed by Housing and Property Members and will be met within the Housing Revenue Account budget for 2022/23.
Members agreed in principle to increase the proposed funding to £160,000. Housing officers will investigate the potential to appoint additional energy advisors using this extra funding and will report back to a future Committee on progress.
Committee chair, Councillor Glynis Sinclair, said: “Fuel poverty continues to rise across Highland due to the combined cost of living and energy crisis. Whilst the causes are outwith the council’s control, having energy advisors to assist tenants directly with specialist advice and provide access to external funding for financial support will be invaluable throughout the cost of living crisis.
“I would like to thank the council officers who continue to work tirelessly to provide support to tenants who are struggling and encourage those who haven’t asked about support options that they may be eligible for, to make contact with their local housing officer.”