Hillcrest donates £13,000 to support people with learning disabilities in Ukraine

Hillcrest has donated £13,000 to assist those with learning disabilities who are trapped in Ukraine and unable to seek refuge from the war.
The donation, on behalf of the Hillcrest Foundation and Hillcrest Futures, was made to Inclusion Europe and its Ukrainian members to ensure this money reaches families in need directly.
The charity estimates that there are 261,000 Ukrainian citizens who have a learning disability, 30,000 of whom are in residential care homes and around 100,000 disabled people living in institutions in Ukraine, including 80,000 children.
Angela Linton, Hillcrest chief executive, said: “In response to the distressing images we continue to see coming from Ukraine, Hillcrest feels compelled to support Inclusion Europe, who are actively supporting people with disabilities and their families in Ukraine.
“The significant concern around people with disabilities in relation to their personal safety, access to humanitarian corridors and shelters, and the situation in residential accommodation is heartfelt by our whole organisation.
“We hope that this small gesture will go some way to support the work being undertaken to help those vulnerable people, who are disproportionately affected by this unjust war, in the most harrowing and critical of circumstances.”
Led by their partners in Ukraine, Inclusion Europe members across the continent are together calling for:
- Secure supplies of daily necessities to people who have a learning disability, including medicines
- Civil protection information in easy read and accessible formats to help people who have a learning disability understand the measures they need to take in dangerous situations
- Monitoring of the situation in ‘care institutions’ to ensure people are not abandoned or harmed
- Specific support through humanitarian organisations for people who have a learning disability, whether living in the community or in institutions, including support to access movement to a place of safety in line with routes available to other Ukrainian citizens at present.
Donations can be sent to Inclusion Europe in order to best direct and target financial support to people who have a learning disability and their families. More information can be found here.