Hillcrest receives British Chambers of Commerce Business Hero award
Hillcrest Homes has picked up a prestigious Business Hero award, courtesy of the British Chambers of Commerce.

The Business Heroes campaign was launched to recognise the incredible work UK businesses had been undertaking in such a challenging year, with Hillcrest’s efforts throughout the pandemic placing them as one of only nine businesses in Dundee to receive the accolade.
With restrictions resulting from COVID-19 shutting down or limiting many essential community services, Hillcrest worked tirelessly to support as many people as possible. With Dundee already one of the drug capitals of the UK, the company’s promotion of Overdose Awareness Day kept such a significant issue firmly in the public eye.
A total of £175,000 funding received in partnership with Abertay Housing Association also directly drove a number of key community support projects such as emergency energy meter top-ups, domestic abuse support, food parcels and additional support for those with disabilities.
Isolated older people also received significant support through Helping Older People Engage (HOPE), a project involving Hillcrest Homes, Caledonia Housing Association and Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership, operating a number of key initiatives.
Alison Henderson, Chamber CEO, said: “The Business Heroes recognition programme was a fantastic way for us to shine a spotlight on a few of the local organisations doing really special and valuable things during the pandemic. We’re very proud of our connections with Hillcrest and the wider group who do so much to support the local community.”
The other Dundee companies that joined Hillcrest Homes as a Business Hero were Balhousie Care Group, Alexander Community Development, Dundee Removal Services, Scott Brothers Butchers, Woodlands Hotel, Halley Stevenson, Mackie Motors and The Wellgate Centre.