Home Fix Scotland lends a helping hand at The Pantry

A team from Home Fix Scotland (HFS), the repairs and maintenance contractor for River Clyde Homes, put in some shifts to help the Inverclyde Community Development Trust (The Trust) prepare for the opening of its new Pantry in John Wood Street, Port Glasgow.
The Pantry is there to help people in Inverclyde through these difficult economic times. It’s not a foodbank but runs on similar principles.
Anyone can join and users have to become members to benefit from the facility (£1 membership fee). They are charged £2.50 per weekly shop and can use the Pantry once a week and receive £10-£15 worth of groceries.
The Trust approached a number of community organisations to help get the premises ready for the public. HFS was happy to step in and contribute to this great community initiative.
John Paul Duddy, a member of the team, said: “We were really happy to be involved in this valuable community project. We built the counter area, painted the pantry and converted an old bathroom into a storage area. It looks really good and will provide an attractive frontage for this much-needed service to locals who are struggling with the current economic situation.”