Homelessness and rapid re-housing

In recent months, Rapid Re-housing and Housing First have gained momentum as the movements that will bring about change as Scotland struggles with a homelessness crisis. A move to these programmes will undoubtedly require significant changes and substantial resources from an association/co-operative perspective.
SHARE is responding to the need to learn more about these concepts in a number of ways. Our new course Squaring the Circle: Practical Housing Support, delivered by Glasgow Homelessness Network in March gave delegates a valuable insight into some of the difficulties that their new tenants may be experiencing if they have previously been homeless. The course provided various interesting discussions and allowed staff on the ground to discuss the practical issues that they have encountered. This course will be offered again towards the end of the year.
Our next learning opportunity on this issue will be one of our increasingly popular Bitesize Briefings. Delegates will hear from a number of speakers on various dimensions of responding to the homelessness crisis. The session will help delegates to appreciate the Scottish Government’s approach to rapid re-housing transition plans (RRTPS), we will hear from organisations that have already designed and are implementing RRTPs; there will be discussion around the importance of trauma informed care and psychologically informed environments as supplementary to the wider housing first model.
The event Bitesize Briefing – Responding to the homelessness crisis will take place on 26 June at the Bob Allan Conference Centre in Saracen Street, Glasgow.
Remember there is a 3 delegates for the price of 2 running on this event so make the most of it and book in today.
You can find out more about the briefing and book your place HERE.