Horizon CEO Lorna Cameron announces retirement

Horizon CEO Lorna Cameron announces retirement

Lorna Cameron

Lorna Cameron is to retire as Horizon Housing’s chief executive officer next month after almost 35 years of public service.

Having reached the notable age of 60 earlier this year, Lorna said the time felt right for her to take a break and move on to other things.

She told colleagues: “I need more time for family and friends and maybe for some further learning – there are some great courses out there waiting for me!”

Lorna’s commitment to increasing the delivery of accessible housing in Scotland will be evident in the upcoming Housing & Social Care Accessibility Summit that Horizon Housing is organising with Scottish Housing News next week.

Thanks to generous support from Campion Homes and Hanover Scotland, the one-day summit will see leaders from across many sectors come together to:

  • discuss how accessible housing can reduce pressure on social care and health services;
  • identify and debate new solutions to pressing issues;
  • explore new partnerships to support prevention and early intervention; and
  • produce practical recommendations for change.

Paying tribute to her colleagues at Horizon, Lorna added: “I really have enjoyed my time at Horizon, working with so many dedicated, kind and caring people – staff and board members, and of course tenants.

“My career has been full of people who’ve gone out of their way to care for and support people to try and make their lives better, and for me, that’s what it’s been all about. As I remember all the people and places I’ve worked and all my experiences, from the fantastic to the nerve-wracking, and everything in between, I wouldn’t change any of it.”

Horizon Housing is recruiting for Lorna’s successor here.

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