Housing associations continue collaborative working in Argyll & Bute

(from left) James McMillan - Fyne Homes HA, Linda Houston - West Highland HA, Shirley Macleod - Fyne Homes HA, Cathy Grant - Argyll Community HA, Gerry Boyle - West Highland HA, Sephton MacQuire - Dunbritton HA, Elizabeth McCurdy - Dunbritton HA
The Home Argyll chair’s quarterly meeting was held on the beautiful Isle of Bute this month, where neither the scenery nor the weather disappointed the visiting officials.
The chair’s from each of the 4 RSLs that partner with Argyll & Bute Council to form the Home Argyll common housing register partnership, rotate their meeting location to cover the areas across Argyll and Bute in which they operate.
Sephton MacQuire, chair of Dunbritton Housing Association, said: “In Argyll & Bute we are trying to gain ideas from each other to enhance our organisations and work for the benefit of our tenants.”
Iona MacPhail, CEO of Fyne Homes, said: “These quarterly meetings give our senior officials an opportunity to share best practice as well as their extensive knowledge and experience. They also set the standard as role models for our organisations with respect to great partnership working.”
The next meeting will be held in August in Helensburgh.