Housing associations welcome £1m tenancy sustainment funding

Carolyn Lochhead
Grant funding of £1 million will be made available to registered social landlords and third sector partners to fund work to help sustain tenancies and prevent homelessness, the Scottish Government has announced.
The funding was announced by social justice secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville as part of the Scottish Government’s reinstatement of the universal heating payment.
It comes in response to calls from a coalition of housing and anti-poverty organisations for a shift in spending from crisis intervention to prevention.
Welcoming the announcement, Carolyn Lochhead, director of external affairs at the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA), said: “Housing associations work every day to prevent homelessness by providing tenants with the support that they might need, whether that’s welfare rights and energy advice or with longer-term health and social care needs. But ever more stretched, they can’t do all of this alone.
“So we’re pleased to see the Scottish Government have listened to our calls for funding to shore up this work, which is so vital at a time when record numbers of people lack a safe, secure and affordable home. As we look towards the Scottish budget next week, we’re hopeful that Scotland’s social homes and social tenants will see further much-needed support.”