Housing coalition expresses disappointment at Scottish Government’s ‘business as usual’ response to housing emergency

Housing coalition expresses disappointment at Scottish Government's 'business as usual' response to housing emergency

Paul McLennan

A coalition of housing and anti-poverty organisations has criticised Housing Minister Paul McLennan’s statement, delivered at Holyrood.

Yesterday the coalition, which includes members of the Scottish Government’s own Housing to 2040 strategic board, warned that it had no confidence existing structures could deliver unless the First Minister was willing to invest political capital in changing course.

A joint statement issued by the coalition said: “It’s extremely disappointing that, despite having declared a housing emergency, the Scottish Government has made clear today that it intends to proceed with business as usual.

“This morning, this unprecedented coalition of leading housing and anti-poverty organisations, which includes members of the Scottish Government’s own Housing to 2040 strategic board, urged ministers to change course. We made clear that restoring the brutal cuts to the Affordable Housing Supply Programme would be an important place to start.

“Our call has not been heeded.

“Current plans have the right aims, but they’ve been fatally undermined by spending cuts at both Holyrood and Westminster, an absence of accountability for delivery, and a lack of political will.

“If the First Minister isn’t willing to invest his political capital into a new approach, then existing structures simply cannot deliver the response Scotland needs.

“We would urge the First Minister to meet with us, urgently, so that we can discuss how he and his government can change course and build more homes for the 10,000 children in Scotland who need one.”

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