Housing minister attempts to ease fears of Private Tenancies Bill’s ASB ‘limitations’
Housing minister Margaret Burgess has reaffirmed to landlords that anti-social behaviour (ASB) is grounds for eviction under the new Private Tenancies Bill.
During a Q&A with Scottish landlords to mark National Landlords Day, Margaret Burgess said the Private Tenancies Bill will enable landlords to manage their property and effectively deal with anti-social behaviour.
The announcement followed a statement signed by 56 letting agents across the country which warned that the new legislation could make it harder for landlords to tackle anti-social behaviour in their properties.
Mrs Burgess said: “Anti-social behaviour is unacceptable, which is why this Bill outlines clearly that it is grounds for eviction.
“Landlords will still be able to manage their property and, in the worst cases, can seek to evict tenants on these grounds just as they do now. In addition, if a tenant refuses to leave, the eviction case will then go to the Housing Tribunal – a new form of redress that landlords have long called for and supported. This will be a fair, efficient and accessible process for both landlords and tenants.
“Ending the ability for arbitrary eviction is the right thing to do, and is something any reasonable landlord should support. I would stress that there is nothing for landlords to fear with this bill.”
The Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Bill will protect 700,000 people from the prospect of unforeseen and unfair eviction and unpredictability over rent increases, as well as ensuring the sector is attractive to investors, with better management and regulation.
The bill forms a key part of the Scottish Government strategy to grow and improve the private rented sector.