Housing minister rejects dairy firm’s development plans at Airthrey Kerse

A planning appeal by a dairy firm to deliver 600 homes and infrastructure on land at Airthrey Kerse in Stirling has been dismissed by the Scottish Government.
Graham’s The Family Dairy, in partnership with Mactaggart & Mickel Homes, first submitted the planning application to Stirling Council in 2014.
The development would have encompassed 600 houses, including 150 affordable units, a new primary school and a public park.
The company said it is “extremely disappointed” by the decision to reject the proposals.
Following a two-year appeal process, Housing Minister Kevin Stewart decided that the proposed development did not accord with the new Local Development Plan; a position described by the firm as “contradictory” given that the new plan contains a housing shortfall, is likely to depend on sites such as Airthrey for development in the near future and its adoption has been withheld by the Scottish Government.
The dairy company said its concern over this decision is heightened by the conclusion reached by the Government’s appointed Reporter that the project would deliver a sustainable development and improve local infrastructure, particularly the risk of flooding and road safety.
Andrew Mickel, director of Mactaggart & Mickel Group, added: “This is a huge disappointment and a surprising decision by the Scottish Government which has publicly stated that economic prosperity is at the heart of its vision for Scotland.
“It’s also terrible news for the thousands of people who are currently on a waiting list for a house in Stirlingshire, and a bitter blow for families looking forward to a new primary school, neighbourhood centre and public park.
“The government says all the right things about tackling the housing crisis, but this decision suggests they are unwilling to actually take the steps required to bring about real improvements.”