Housing Options Training Toolkit shortlisted for CIH award

Housing Options Training Toolkit shortlisted for CIH award

Scotland’s Housing Network has welcomed the news that its Housing Options Training Toolkit has been shortlisted for the ‘Working in Partnership’ category at the CIH Housing Awards 2024.

The Housing Options Training Toolkit is an online training platform that has been developed by the 32 local authorities and Wheatley Homes Glasgow. The toolkit is now hosted by Scotland’s Housing Network and is overseen by the Governance Advisory Board who represent the five Housing Hubs in Scotland.

Three modules went live in 2022 and the the final 3 modules followed in March 2024.

The Housing Options Training Toolkit has over 1,900 live users at present with 1000 users having already completed Module 1.

Scotland’s Housing Network learning/development officer Leza Lafferty said: “I am absolutely delighted that the toolkit has been shortlisted for the CIH Housing Award as this will be a recognition of all the hard work that staff and other agencies have contributed to the toolkit over the years. It’s such a great resource to have and I encourage all landlords to ensure their staff use it.”

Andrea Finkel-Gates, CEO, Scotland’s Housing Network, said: “The toolkit has been developed in a true collaborative style, to have a single training product that is co-owned by all 32 local authorities and Wheatley Homes Glasgow is a major accomplishment. Not only that the number of external partners that have been instrumental in developing the product is inspiring from Scottish Prison Service, the Cyrennians, Public Health Scotland and so many more. It would not be possible without the input of every single partner organisation.”

Lee Valantine, South Lanarkshire Council and chair of the Governance Advisory Board, added: “I have been fortunate to have been involved with this innovative project since concept stage through to our current position where this creative tool is helping housing colleagues and partners throughout Scotland improve their knowledge and expertise in relation to Housing Options. The toolkit provides an opportunity to ensure good quality housing options and advice and assistance is provided in a consistent manner throughout Scotland.

“It is important to recognise that this is the first time all 32 local authorities and Wheatley have come together collaboratively to develop and implement a shared training resource. I am extremely proud to be part of the partnership that has made this happen.”

The complete awards shortlist can be found here.

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