Housing Studies Association autumn lecture to demystify the world of policy

Housing Studies Association autumn lecture to demystify the world of policy

The Housing Studies Association (HSA) will host an autumn lecture later this month which will provide insights into the workings of policy and how the housing studies community can engage effectively.

In academia, there is a growing focus on extending the impact of our work beyond the academic sphere. However, it can be challenging to determine where to begin in developing and delivering research programmes that capture the interest of stakeholders in policy and practice at both national and regional levels, while also ensuring that findings create meaningful impact.

In this lecture, HSA will take a behind-the-scenes look at how the worlds of policy and practice operate, offering insights into how individual researchers and the broader housing studies community can better engage with central and local governments. Attendees will hear from a range of experts who have been actively engaged with policymakers at local, central and international levels, addressing a range of issues relevant to housing scholars. 

Entitled ‘Demystifying the world of policy’, the lecture will take place online on Monday 28th October, from 2pm-4pm.

Dr Francesca Albanese, executive director of policy & social change, at Crisis, will chair the event. Francesca has worked at Crisis since 2016. She is also an editorial panel member at Thinkhouse. Prior to Crisis, Francesca worked at Homeless Link and Shelter.

Other confirmed speakers will include

  • Professor Beth Watts-Cobbe - I-SPHERE, Heriot-Watt University: Beth is a professor at I-SPHERE, Heriot-Watt University. Her research focuses on homelessness, youth homelessness, rough sleeping and complex needs, social housing, and poverty.
  • Jennie Bibbings - Jennie was the former head of campaigns at Shelter Cymru and is now a senior researcher on housing and homelessness at the Senedd
  • Dr Joe Frey, knowledge exchange broker, UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE). Joe’s role combines undertaking Northern Ireland-focused housing research and providing a bridge between the academic world and the housing sector.

To book tickets, please click here.

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