Housing workers invited to establish a Human Rights Defenders Network
People who work in social care, health, housing and education are being encouraged to attend an event to discuss the creation of a ‘Human Rights Defender sNetwork’ in Glasgow.
Third sector body GCVS said the free event will “discuss human rights practice, rather than theory; to seize current opportunities for integrating human rights into decisions on services, funding and policy; to think about how we can individually and collectively realise human rights standards and remedies in Glasgow”.

The UN agreed a ‘Human Rights Defender’ framework 20 years ago setting out roles for duty bearers and rights holders. The UN says human rights defenders are partners, an asset to be valued and not marginalised or treated as a threat. Experience and practice shows that human rights defenders shape policies which address real needs and propose practical solutions on a wide range of processes such as making complaints systems accessible.
The meeting is open to civil society organisations working in Glasgow to:
- be briefed on developments and opportunities
- think about human rights within our organisations and in external activity
- how we can collectively maximise our influence on making human rights a practical reality for the people we work with, for ourselves and our families.
The event takes place on April 11 from 10am-1pm at the Albany Learning Centre in Glasgow.
See here for more details.