Innovation & Excellence Lecture Series – Public lecture on innovation in housing
As part of its 50th anniversary celebrations the University of Stirling is hosting an open event to stimulate debate on the future of housing and how our housing system can underpin wider economic and social developments.
Innovation in Housing: a force for wider benefits?
Key Note Speaker: Richard Jennings, Places for People
Tuesday 10th October 2017, 18;30 – 19:45 BST, Pathfoot Lecture Theatre, University of Stirling
Today we are in the midst of one of the most pressing and complex housing crises ever faced. Housing problems faced across the economic and demographic spectrums have never been more in the news and mass media, nor caused such intergenerational tension. The housing system can both contribute to, and ameliorate, poverty and inequality – with tensions between ‘winners and losers’ in different market and policy scenarios. Yet – a vibrant housing system is needed to sustain employment mobility and economic development.
So what’s needed for our future housing system and how can we best ensure the housing sector unlocks the potential for better economic and social outcomes? A diverse and experienced panel, along with key note speaker from Edinvar Castle Rock Housing, will present their ideas on housing futures and explore new and innovative ways of ensuring housing underpins wider benefits in health, social care, economic development and sustainability of our communities.
The event is kindly supported by Places for People.
The event is open to all and free to attend. Please register in advance via the following link.