Jacquie Pepper appointed to senior Perth and Kinross social care role

Jacquie Pepper
Jacquie Pepper has been appointed to the role of chief officer - integrated health and social care for the Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership.
Ms Pepper has been undertaking the role on an interim basis for the past two months since the previous postholder, Gordon Paterson, moved on to a new role at NHS Education for Scotland. Before taking up that role, she was the depute director of education & children’s services at Perth & Kinross Council and has also held the statutory Chief Social Work Officer role since 2017, building on her extensive experience of managing and delivering social work services in a number of Scottish councils, as well as posts with the Care Commission and HM Inspectorate of Education.
Bob Benson, chair of the Perth and Kinross Integration Joint Board, said: “I am delighted that Jacquie will be our new Chief Officer to lead the Health and Social Care Partnership and to advance our work with the Council, NHS, third and independent sectors to deliver better outcomes and enhance the wellbeing and resilience of individuals families and communities in Perth and Kinross as we recover from the pandemic.”
Thomas Glen, chief executive, Perth & Kinross Council, added: “Jacquie will join the Partnership at a critical point as our communities transition into living with Covid. She will play a key role in the delivery of health and social care across Tayside, working with our partners in Angus and Dundee.
“We are confident that Jacquie will provide effective leadership as the Partnership continues to develop integrated health and social care services across our urban and rural communities which support everyone to live life well. Jacquie will play a key role in the delivery of health and social care across Tayside, working with our partners in Angus and Dundee.”
Grant Archibald, chief executive, NHS Tayside, commented: “Jacquie brings a wealth of experience to the Chief Officer role. She has been at the centre of key social care services in Perth and Kinross over the past few years working closely with local communities, and she’s now broadening that care and commitment she has shown to all health and social care services.
“We are very much looking forward to working with her as we do our collective best to make a difference to the lives of local people.”
Jacquie Pepper said: “I am absolutely delighted to be offered this exciting role. While I have worked closely with the Partnership for a number of years, it has been a huge privilege over the past two months to work closely with such dedicated and committed staff. People are my top priority, and I will work assiduously across the partnership to achieve the best possible outcomes for those that rely upon care and support to lead their daily lives.”