John Ferguson

John Ferguson (Image credit: Parkhead Housing Association)
John Ferguson MBE, honorary president and founding member of Parkhead Housing Association (PHA), has passed away at the age of 85 last Monday.
A tireless advocate for social housing, Mr Ferguson dedicated over 45 years to PHA, playing a key role in establishing the association in July 1977 and since then serving multiple terms as chair and playing a pivotal role in the regeneration of the Parkhead area.
Mr Ferguson was also a dedicated servant to social housing outside of Parkhead, serving on the executive committee of Employers in Voluntary Housing (EVH) and as a board Member of the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA).
His unwavering commitment to services to the housing association movement earned him an MBE in 2000.
PHA CEO Aileen McGuire said: “We are devastated to lose a member of the Parkhead family today. We owe a debt of gratitude to John for his commitment to the association over his many years of service and his dedication to the Parkhead community.
“John was such a big character and such an important person in our history, he will be sorely missed.”
Foster Evans, a well-known figure in the social housing sector and former director of Employers in Voluntary Housing, said: “People are often described as founding members of organisations but in John’s case he not only attended the initial meeting but seconded the motion to form the Glasgow Federation of Community Based Housing Associations (which would become EVH).
“He then had an over 40 years’ involvement – most importantly being the chair of its critical Joint Negotiating Committee for over 30 years, and also vice chair for 10 plus years, and chair for 5 years.
“At EVH’s 40th Birthday party John received special recognition for his unique contribution.
“Part of his strength was his long experience as a trade union negotiator and activist on Strathclyde Busses. He brought all that experience and an independent and fair minded approach to issues before the Negotiating Committee.
“This was supplemented with his involvement until he was 70 as a Justice of the Peace sitting at the District court in Glasgow’s John Street.
“He was chair of Parkhead Housing Association for most of its existence, only retiring from the committee in the last couple of years.
“At EVH he was fully involved at critical stages in its development – appointment of first staff, development of a comprehensive updating of negotiated employment package, establishment of health and safety and recruitment services, and expansion beyond Glasgow & West of Scotland to the whole of the country, and beyond social housing.
“He was a one off and it’s unlikely they’ll be anyone who’s commitment was so long and effective.”