Kingdom Housing Association provides over £50,000 to tackle fuel poverty

Since the beginning of April, Kingdom Housing Association’s Tenancy Sustainment Team has delivered over £50,000 worth of direct financial support to tenants with fuel debts.
Funds were accessed through the Social Housing Fuel Support Fund provided by the Scottish Government and delivered through the SFHA and HACT. The fund was set up to provide short term relief for households struggling with the costs of utility bills.
In just seven weeks, 262 households needing help, from across Kingdom and Fairfield Housing Associations, have been issued with emergency top ups and cash vouchers. They have also had the opportunity to access advice through Kingdom Housing Association’s award winning Energy Advice Service.
As the fund closed, Derek Smith, Kingdom Housing Association’s energy adviser, said: “With household income getting squeezed and the cost of energy increasing as a result of the pandemic, many individuals are now living in fuel poverty. This Scheme has been a welcome opportunity to support people in an unprecedented time of need.
“What has made the Social Housing Fuel Support Fund unique has been that it supported both Pre Payment tenants and those who paid by Direct Debit/Standing Order or Periodic billing. By being accessible to anyone who is struggling, it has allowed us to reach 565 people, which has been superb.”
Bill Banks, Kingdom Group chief executive, added: “Though the Social Housing Support Scheme has come to an end our dedicated tenancy sustainment team continue to source new funding to help support our tenants. Kingdom’s mission is to provide more than a home and helping to tackle fuel poverty is just one of the ways in which we can do this. The message from both Kingdom and Fairfield to tenants is simple, if you’re struggling with your financial situation for any reason, get in touch to find out what help and support is available.”