Landlords invited to Pan-Ayrshire housing event

Landlords from across Ayrshire are being invited to a special event to discuss forthcoming changes in housing legislation.
North Ayrshire Council is hosting the information event, in partnership with East and South Ayrshire Councils, at the Greenwood Conference, Irvine, on Saturday, 11 November.
The private rented sector – and forthcoming changes to legislation – will be the focus of discussion as representatives look to provide advice about new statutory responsibilities.
New rules and guidelines will look to ensure that the conditions of properties are improved and that better tenancy management standards are put in place.
Cllr Jim Montgomerie, cabinet member for place, said: “This event is a great opportunity for landlords across Ayrshire to get together and network about best practice.
“The Private Sector is a vibrant and growing part of the housing market and we want to make sure that good landlords are recognised for the services they provide.
“We are also keen to ensure that landlords and other interested parties are kept up to date with new legislation and to encourage professional practice across the sector.”
One of the main changes to be considered on the day will be the upcoming implementation of the Private Housing (Tenancies) Act 2016 which introduces the new Private Rented Tenancy in Scotland.
The new tenancy regime introduces more stringent measures that landlords will be required to take when looking to recover their property. Private tenants will now be afforded a greater security of tenure which is closer aligned to the social rented model in a bid to promote tenancy sustainment.
Landlords will also now be able to recover properties which have been abandoned by tenants, an issue which was previously very difficult to deal with in the sector.
Other topics to be discussed on the day will include tenancy deposits, letting agent registration, Universal Credit, housing and property chamber: 1st Tier Tribunal System and Tax Reforms.
There will also be a number of stall holders to provide information on a range of services available to landlords and letting agents in the local area.
The event will take place on Saturday from 10am-2pm. Registration will be open from 9.30am. Lunch will be provided.
Any interested parties wishing to attend the event should contact North Ayrshire Council’s Private Sector Advice Team by phone on (01294) 324644 or by email at