Landlords urged to register for Stirling open day

Stirling Council has encouraged local private landlords and agents to register for an upcoming Open Day and Conference.
The annual event – which provides an opportunity for landlords and agents to meet key players in the private rented sector in Stirling, gather information and seek advice – will take place at the Albert Halls on Tuesday 10 May in the afternoon (2pm – 5pm) and again in the evening (6pm – 9pm).
Various agencies and services will attend the Open Day to provide expert information and guidance. They include the Landlord Registration Team, representatives of tenancy deposit schemes, energy efficiency advice schemes, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and a number of different Council Services including waste services and trading standards.
Speakers include representatives from Shelter, the Scottish Association of Landlords, and Landlord Accreditation Scotland, as well as a leading taxation expert.
Robert Steenson, director of housing and environment at Stirling Council, said: “We’ve already had significant interest from local private landlords and agents about this event and only a few places are still available. I would urge anyone interested in attending this event to book their place soon.”
To register, please email