Langstane Housing Association appoints new office bearers
New office bearers have been appointed at Langstane Housing Association as the RSL held its 40th Annual General Meeting this week.
James Knowles was appointed chairperson for a second year, with John Fraser as vice chairperson and Jenny Greener as treasurer.
Langstane said the team brings a wealth of experience to their roles.
As James enters into his second year as chairperson of Langstane Housing Association, he said: “I have been chairperson of Langstane Housing Association for a year now. During that time I have seen many positive achievements in what has been a very busy and at times challenging year.
“Our business plan was recently finalised following consultation with our tenants and as we face future challenges, our tenants will continue to be at the heart of our decision making and Langstane Housing Association will continue to provide good quality affordable accommodation for those disadvantaged in the housing sector and to make our vision for the future a reality.”
To round off the evening’s annual general meeting the Association welcomed Mike Burns, chief executive of Aberdeen Cyrenians, who gave a presentation on the housing first approach used to support homeless people who have complex needs.