Langstane Housing Association celebrates International Women’s Day 2023

To celebrate #InternationalWomensDay2023, Langstane Housing Association is recognising some of the women that work towards ensuring the association achieves its vision to ‘be the best we can be’.
Ayesha Reid, governance & corporate manager
The main purpose of Ash’s role is to make sure the Association meets all statutory and legal governance requirements. Social Housing is a heavily regulated sector and for good reason.
The association receives public money in the form of grants that helps us build homes and also look after some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. It is very important that Langstane runs an efficient and accountable organisation that gets best value across all its activities.
Ayesha Reid said: “The sheer variety of my role is such a challenge. Working in housing is fast paced in terms of changes coming through via new housing policy, alterations to best practice, and our own internal improvement activity. You have to be organised and be able to adapt plans to meet changing demands, which suits me very well.
“I work with a wide range of colleagues across all levels of the Association, which is great because I enjoy being part of a team and achieving shared goals is very rewarding.”
Hayleigh Lawson, executive assistant
As one of two executive assistants Hayleigh provides a high-level support service to the chief executive which also includes the servicing of Board and Committee meetings of the Langstane Group.
She added: “Recently my role has become more focussed towards leading the Association’s communication and marketing work, including the promotion and upkeep of our new website and producing the new Communication Strategy for 2023 - 2026.
“The association is currently putting me through my Diploma in Digital Marketing which has been an absolute joy to work on.
“I feel very lucky that we are in the unique position of being led by an all-female leadership team comprising of a chief executive and three directors, all demonstrating their years of sector specific experience, character and their drive to achieve our vision to ‘be the best we can be’.”
Helen Gordon – registered service manager, Langstane Housing Support Service
“My role is to manage Langstane’s registered housing support service and ensure we are compliant with the relevant regulatory bodies. We provide low level housing support to Langstane Housing tenants, and we also have a dedicated support worker who is funded by the Scottish government to work with new tenants who have been homeless referrals. With the aim of preventing them becoming homeless again.
“I have worked in social care for many years. I started out as a support worker years ago and have worked at many different levels since. I really like my job with Langstane and I enjoy working with my team. It’s great to be able to support people and to see the difference a little help and support can make to someone. No two days are the same and I get to meet lots of interesting people. My role means I need to try to keep on top of all the changes and expectations running a registered service requires.”
Katarzyna Gasiorowska, customer services assistant
Katarzyna currently works part-time for Langstane providing admin support for the Customer Services Team and covering reception one day a week.
She said: “My role is quite limited; however, this is not to say that, because of this, I allow myself to restrict my deepest convictions of working for social housing in general and the way I always attempt to perform my role. In fact they are informed by a number of factors (my developing femininity, or rather my personhood in a wider sense) that is: my turbulent and positive personal experiences, my vast former professional experience, my academic work, including a specific framework of my mind: feminist, social constructionist, deeply emotional, my love for the hills and hillwalking experiences, my interests in literature and art, my practice of creative writing.
“People have always fascinated me, no matter how much I have struggled with social interactions, and I think that as well as it is crucial at work (or elsewhere) to be recognised in one’s personhood, it is equally as important to recognize others in their potential; this where personal and social change start occurring. I am glad that evolving, nurturing management at Langstane supports this stance, which is feminist as well as humanist.”
Kerry Laing, team leader housing services
Kerry is the Team Leader for Housing Services at Langstane Housing Association.
She commented: “Women make up a significant proportion of those who need affordable and secure housing in Scotland so having women working in social housing ensures that their voices and perspectives are represented in decision-making processes. Women bring different experiences and approaches to problem-solving and understanding of issues that disproportionately affect women, such as childcare and domestic violence.
“Having women working in social housing promotes gender diversity and can create a more inclusive and welcoming work environment for all employees. It also serves as a positive role model for young women interested in pursuing a career in this field.
“Overall, having women working in social housing in Scotland is essential to provide equal representation, support diversity, and effectively address the unique challenges faced by women in need of affordable and secure housing.
“No two days in this job are the same but the best days that you really remember are the ones where you are able to make a real difference in customers lives.”
Lorna Petrie, finance manager
Lorna Petrie manages the finance team at Langstane Housing Association.
She added: “One of the reasons for joining Langstane Housing Association was the Ethos of the Charity. Langstane was set up initially to provide homes for the single homeless people in Aberdeen. Before the charity was set up the homeless would line up outside the building in Aberdeen to see if they could get a meal and a bed for the night. Some were luck some were not! Housing the more vulnerable of our society still has the same relevance today as it had 40 years ago, and this gives me a sense of pride that I can help and have some input into this.
“My role within the Finance Team is varied and the Finance Team work closely with the Directors and Managers of the Company so one day is never the same. Working in finance gives me a very broad perspective of the company and a good insight into the work that the other departments do for our Tenants from Repairs / Debt Management and joining forces with other agencies to help improve the lives of our tenants. We have a really good Management and Leadership Team who show great Empathy towards our Tenants.”
Samantha Hough, customer participation officer
Samantha is a customer participation officer, ensuring tenants are engaged and informed of any tenant involvement activities. These include consultations, scrutiny, digital inclusion, focus groups and making sure our publications are easy and clear to read.
Samantha said: “The best part of my job is the people I work with. They make the job what it is, and I work alongside both tenants and colleagues all with the aim of making a difference to people’s lives.
“I enjoy meeting tenants, residents, and staff from local and national landlords in various settings which is exciting as we’re all constantly learning from each other about new ways of engaging tenants.”