Langstane Housing Association participates in friendly bench initiative
The friendly bench project is an initiative is supported by ACVO in partnership with Aberdeen City Council which invites third sector organisations to claim and design a bench in the city to raise awareness of the support and services that they provide.

Participating organisations are encouraged to create an eye-catching bench design that reflects their identity and activities and then work jointly with the other project partners to implement it.
As part of their Duke of Edinburgh Award (DofE) the students from St Machar Academy designed their project especially for Langstane Housing Association.

The Friendly Bench project saw students of St Machar Academy, working towards their Duke of Edinburgh Award working on the bench, which now sits in Seaton Park. To achieve either Gold, Silver or Bronze awards, the students at St Machar Academy had to demonstrate various levels of development to obtain either their Silver or Bronze award.
Helping to finalise the Friendly Bench project on behalf of Langstane Housing Association was school partnership officer, Linzi Wright and community engagement officer for Aberdeen City Council, Stephen Bly.
Helen Gauld, chief executive, said: “Working towards their Duke of Edinburgh Award the students and staff have overcome various hurdles to complete the Friendly Bench with the support of Linzi and Stephen.
“We are delighted to report it is now finished and takes pride of place in Seaton Park, Aberdeen. Well done to everyone involved.”