Langstane Housing Association rolls out electric pool car for employee use

Langstane Housing Association has launched its first electric pool car for employees to use, replacing the organisation’s current petrol vehicle.
This has been done with the long term aim of reducing fuel mileage costs and Co2 emissions generated by business travel.
This follows the association’s successful application for grant funding in 2018 to purchase an electrical charging point at the Association’s headquarters, 680 King Street, Aberdeen. The charging point allows local tenants and others to travel in a more cost effective and environmentally friendly manner. Plans to replace the Association’s existing vans and car with electrical versions were put on hold during the pandemic but are now being advanced.
Property manager Claire McEleny said: “It’s a fantastic benefit for staff to have access to an electrical vehicle and charging infrastructure. This enables the Association to undertake fundamental works within our communities and customer homes whilst doing so in an eco friendly manner.”
For Langstane Housing Association, sustainability is about ensuring the decisions and actions taken today are underpinned by a consideration of how such decisions and actions impact the world in the future.
Chief executive Helen Gauld added: “Introducing an electric pool car is an important step in demonstrating our commitment to delivering cost effective services in a sustainable manner.
“We can see that having environmentally-compatible vehicles is a viable business model, allowing us to reduce our carbon footprint and provide our team with an eco friendly mode of transport that is perfect for our business requirements.”