Langstane Housing Association’s offices open after two years

Following the closure of its offices in Aberdeen and Elgin in March 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Langstane Housing Association is pleased to announce that its doors are now re-opening to tenants and the general public.
With effect from Wednesday 20th April, the association’s Aberdeen office, based at 680 King Street, will be open between 11am and 3pm every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
The Elgin office on North Guildry Street will be open between 1pm – 3pm every Monday and Friday and again between 10am – 12pm every Wednesday.
The new Customer Service Team, headed up by the Customer Services Manager Rebecca Davidson and her team Ronnie, Samantha, Kat, Kim, Theresa and Zoe, are ready to take your call.
Langstane said: “We wish to thank all tenants for their patience over the past few years and are looking forward to welcoming tenants back to our offices soon.”