Link and Govanhill to complete ‘missing corner’ of former Larkfield bus depot
Link Group has teamed up with Govanhill Housing Association on new proposals to complete its redevelopment of the former Larkfield bus depot site.

A planning application has been submitted to build 121 apartments in six blocks on the corner of Butterbiggins Road at Victoria Road.
The project aims to complement Link’s development of 186 affordable homes fronting Butterbiggins Road and to the east and centre of the site.
A seven-storey retirement living block is proposed for the corner. The other blocks are aimed at elderly residents.
The properties will be one, two and three-bedroom units, for a mix of mid-market and social rent and for sale through shared equity.
Colin Culross, Link Group commercial director, told Scottish Housing News: “We are delighted to be delivering the second phase of our Butterbiggins Road development in Glasgow, in partnership with Govanhill Housing Association.
“The project will deliver 121 new homes for retirement living, amenity and a small element of family housing, with 60 homes for social rent, 33 for mid-market rent and 28 affordable homes for sale, all adding to the rich diversity of housing already in the area.

“The development, made possible by support from Glasgow City Council’s Development and Regeneration Services and Scottish Government funding, will complete the larger redevelopment of the former bus depot site, significantly enhancing the area.
“Placemaking continues to be central to our development philosophy and the scale and high-quality design, as well as the diversity of tenure, will complement the successful regeneration undertaken to date in the Govanhill area and neighbouring areas of New Gorbals and Laurieston by others.
“This development best illustrates our commitment of providing homes, working together, building communities and valuing people, which supports our vision of improving the lives of people by providing homes they want to live in, and delivering high-quality services that are affordable, especially to those on low incomes.”

The site was previously subject of applications for a Lidl supermarket and smaller commercial/retail units. Permission was given for the supermarket but Lidl had changed its mind.
In a statement submitted with the planning application, Hypostyle Architects wrote: “The development of the Butterbiggins site offers the chance to finally complete the missing corner of this revitalised residential area. By referring to the historical context of the Govanhill tenements in both detailing (projecting string courses and window orientation) and urban form (courtyard building form) and referencing the historical use of the site (cloister brick walls of the Larkfield Bus Garage) this contemporary design is underpinned by a strong awareness of its genius loci.”
The bus depot closed in 2014 and was relocated to a new purpose built facility in nearby Cathcart Road.